Driving Expenses

Some of these amounts where obtained from government websites, phone calls to government officials, and public travel forums.


Food $2,500
$25 per meal per person, three meals a day, plus $100 for soft drinks, for 16 days of travel.
Entertainment $400
Not sure how much "entertaining" there will be since we will only be driving, stopping to eat and sleep...
Miscelanous $500
SIM Cards $100
Cellphone SIM cards to avoid hefty international cellular and data fees


Gas $3,000
Approximate miles round trip: 8,800 miles (not including driving in Costa Rica during the stay)
Toll Fees $1,050
Round trip
Parts $200
Car Maintenance $200
Oil change, and other general maintenance needed.

International Car Insurance

Mexico $350
Guatemala $80
Honduras $90
Nicaragua $90
Costa Rica $300

International Entry/Exit Fees

Mexico $560
$400 refundable deposit included
Guatemala $100
Honduras $120
Nicaragua $120
Costa Rica $40

Dog Expenses

Health Certificate $100
Next Guard $80
Dog Food $250



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